Concept of interior design for one empty retail space located in the complex of railway station in Usti nad Labem. Great inspiration for this project was river Elbe, floating just next to this location and also frequent floods in this area.
The history of this railway station dates back to 1850. Its face did not change for many years until 1945, when it was seriously damaged by a raid by allied bombers and then it was repaired only temporarily, due to lack of funds. In the years 2011-2013, it underwent a thorough reconstruction. Part of the original historic building was preserved and modernized and a in the remaining part of the station was created a new glass check-in hall. Back part of the station offers several brand-new commercial spaces, one of which is the subject of this project.

During the process, I was focused on the needs of the future commercial space and the creation of a client-friendly and visually interesting interior of a café and information center. Space is dominated by blue in several shades and the most distinctive element is the wall motif of layers formed by a gradient of colors showing the stages of recent floods. With the aim to organise and bring some hierarchy to this simple open plan layout, I designed two counters. Left one serves as a coffee corner with a coffee machine and facility for a small refreshment & right one plays an informative role, for visitors who want to get more info about the city or timetables.Wall behind the counters is covered by a system of screens for projection of maps or local sights. Use of transparent materials and lightweight shapes of metal furniture make the space look bigger than it really is. Custom made coffee tables are equipped with tablets, which visitors could use for searching information about the city. The space is completed by a ceiling painted in the darkest shade of blue, which together with a system of small LED lights presents a night sky full of stars.

location: Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic